2nd Science Photo Marathon, 3rd September 2021

Marathon Instructions
A photographic challenge. A marathon race. Your creativity and photographic skills are put to the test in this exciting outdoor science photo challenge.
Whether you are an amateur or a professional photographer, a scientist or non-scientist, anyone can participate alone or together with friends, colleagues and family, and have a fun and enjoyable time.
Competition centre
Zoological Museum of the University of Zurich (Karl-Schmid-Strasse 4, 8006 Zurich)
How does the Science Photo Marathon work?
I. Competition (3rd of September 2021)
08:30 Participants meet at the Zoological Museum (ZM) of the University of Zurich.
08:30-09:00 Accreditations, introduction, instructions and photo-themes (topics) are revealed.
09:00 Start of the competition. Participants produce 8 competition pictures at the following institutions: Zoological Museum, University of Zurich, focusTerra (ETH Zurich) and the Botanical Garden.
17:00 End of the competition. Participants hand in their 8 competition photos at the ZM before 17:00. Photos submitted after this time are not included in the competition.
17:30 An apéro is organized for all participants at the Zoological Museum
II. Photo screening and public voting (19th-25th of November 2021)
All submitted photos are exhibited online and subjected to a public voting between 19th and 25th November 2021.
III. Award ceremony (27th of November 2021)
13:00 The prize-awarding ceremony is held at the Global Science Film Festival in the Filmpodium Cinema (Nüschelerstrasse 11, 8001 Zurich). All participants of the photo marathon receive free entry to the Global Science Film Festival for the film screened before the award ceremony.
There are two main awards for the whole series of eight photos: the Best Photographer (1000.- CHF) selected by the jury, and the Public Award (500.- CHF) based on the online public voting (between 19th and 25th November 2021).
Special awards are giving to the Best Photographer per Location.
All kinds of digital cameras (including smartphones) are allowed.
Accessories with the camera (filter, light…etc.) are allowed.
Start with a blank memory card.
Photo format: only JPEG is accepted. Maximum size is 100 MB and minimum resolution is 2000 x 3000 pixels (16.9 x 25.4 cm to 300 dpi).
Digital touching: It is not permitted to post-process the images with an image-editing program such as Photoshop.
You can move from one place to another on foot, with a bicycle or using public transport only!
Please register online: https://www.sciencefilm.ch/marathons
Registration fee
CHF 10 to be paid on the day of the competition, the 3rd of September at 08:30.
Judging criteria
Jury award: Photos are judged by content (according to theme) and effective photographic presentation. The judging is based on the average points awarded on various factors to the 8 submitted photos.
Public award: Photos are subjected to an online public voting between 19th and 25th November 2021.
Panel of Judges (Alphabetical order)
Andreas Eggenberger (Fotographer)
Elise Frioud (Swiss National Science Foundation)
Michelle Aimée Oesch (Scientific photgrapher at the Vetsuisse Faculty)
Communication languages
English and German
Terms of use of the submitted photos
The participants retain their copyright. They authorise the publication of the submitted images under a CC-BY-NC-ND licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/): unaltered images can be used freely for non-commercial purposes as long as they are credited as the creator of the image.
The terms of use regulated by the involved institutes (UZH, ZM, & ETH) have to be considered.